Friday, October 14, 2011

{learning a new skill}

Hi friends! I am in the process of re-teaching myself to crochet. I was taught the  basics when I was 10, but never actually made anything. I see all kinds of pretty crocheted things on Pinterest and have been wanting to really learn.
Check out some of theses pretties I pinned this week!


To practice my new skill, I have been making some Urban Turban Headbands. It’s a great pattern. They are really simple and have been a great way for me to practice. Here is my first one. My very first completed crochet project EVER!!! It’s definitely not perfect, but I did it all by myself! I love crocheted accessories. They are so cozy and fall-y…to bad it’s been 100 degrees all week! Global climate change…ugh. 

  It’s been a pretty rough week in our house. The little man is really struggling. Anyhow, having some downtime to sit and crochet has been very therapeutic for me. So far, I have finished 3. The mustard one is the best. I had an “aha moment” about halfway through that one and it turned out really good!


And since I can’t not sew for more than a few days {craft ADD} I made a super cute Crochet Hook Clutch following THIS TUTORIAL. Love it. Something cute to hold all my essentials!


It lives in my yarn tub with all my pretty yarn.
In case you want to learn this wonderful skill too…go get this booklet from Michael’s. I got it a few years ago, but they still have it. 


The lessons are really easy to follow and it really did only take a day while the little man was at school! Don’t worry, I won’t be making an afghan or doll dress anytime soon! I’ll stick to the cute accessories thankyouverymuch.
Happy Friday everyone!

P.S...since the feedback on these was so great, I went ahead and listed them in THE SHOP. They are made to order so specify your color preference at checkout!


  1. Great job!! I love the little clutch, too! 2 weeks ago I taught myself to crochet because I needed something to keep me off of my feet these last few weeks of my pregnancy. I LOVE it! I love finding new ideas on Pinterest, too - so many great tutorials available!

  2. So impressed that you learned that in a day... and personally, I am SOOO glad you aren't crocheting a doll dress like that... little weird in my opinion.

    happy friday!

  3. SO awesome!!! Great job! I learned how in college but have not done it in a long while. May have to give it another go :)

  4. I crocheted my daughter a baby blanket when I was pregnant with her (9 years ago). It turned out super cute but I haven't attempted anything else since... Your headbands are super cute though and I'm sure they will come in handy in a couple of more months. :)

  5. Oh I am so glad for you to learn and start making things, I know it must be the most fun! I'd like to learn but alas, arthritis in my hands will prevent that late-life desire :) Have fun crocheting!

    Mary @ Redo 101

  6. I've totally started to pick up crochet again too! And I did the same thing, when I realized I didn't have a place for all those hooks I made a roll up hook holder (my own impromptu pattern). Maybe I'll try the headband soon. Thanks for sharing!

  7. i think crocheting is so addicting...and for some reason I crochet so much in the fall. That is what all my blog posts have been lately lol.


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