In 2008 (from January to June), I lost about 30 lbs with WW. Yayee me! The program is great and if you need to shed a few lbs, I highly recommend WW :) I kept a blog last year of my progress with photos and such. If you want to check it out it's
www.freewebs.com/spagirl79. Sad to say that once I made Lifetime Membership, I got WAY lazy. In fact, a 6 month bout of lazy resulting in a 15 lb gain. I'll never make that mistake again! However, I've lost 8.4 lbs in January! Only 7.6 until I am back where I like. I am hoping for a lb a week from here on out. This month was just over 2 lbs per week and I am fairly certain I will slow down, but I also didn't think I could bounce back this quickly. I guess my body doesn't like being chubby! I am determined to stay at my happy weight this time. Getting lazy got me no where! I guess I was hoping the weight would just magically stay off, but know I know I will actually have to work just as hard when I get back to goal. In an effort to help me maintain my goal weight, I am re-doing My 21 Meals and my Google Calendar to reflect all the yummy, healthier (point friendly) dinners I've made this month. I will also mention a GREAT new cookbook I got at my WW meeting. I do not typically love WW cookbooks, but this one is a keeper! It's called "Now & Later" and it's GENIUS! You make 2 meals from one by making a bigger batch of something one night and then portion some out to use in a totally different recipe a few days later. Great time and money saver. We have tried 3 (really 6!) recipes already and loved each one! Stay tuned for Weight Watchers tips and yummy recipes!
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