Things have been super quiet around here. I decide to take a little break as summer winds down to soak up the last of the quiet do nothing days. I'll be back to regularly posting lots of fun things in the next week or two after we settle into the school year. I love fall :)
We've been busy...
eating blue lollipops.
picking things up with our toes
painting our toes...Blue By! by Sally Hansen InstaDry
eating really well. I go back to my Weight Wacthers mtg next week! I've lost 10 lbs since May and somehow managed to keep it off over the summer! Only 4 more to go!
working on custom orders with pretty vintage inspired fabrics
doing my best to live by this verse as I navigate the ins and outs of being a handmade shop owner and blogger. My heart gets ugly when I try to compete with other people or gravitate towards that "look at me! look what I made!" attitude. So much of what I do is about self promotion, but I'm trying to learn how to do that in a kind and humble way.
promoting awesome shops like Poofy Cheeks! My friend Kelsey is quitting her day job to go full-time with her adorable handmade shop! You should check it out because she's rad and I heart her.
Well that's what we've been up to. The blog has been quiet, but I'm still posting little things here and there on Instagram so you can follow along if you'd like. I'm @sewchatty.
Have a happy day friends!
I'm linking up with Jeannette