“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Luke 12:25
I don’t talk about a lot of heavy things here on the blog. I do my best to keep the topics nice and light with a focus on sewing and crafting. But in the midst of the sewing and the crafting…life happens.
We are facing a pretty tough decision in the coming weeks and we need all the prayers we can get. Our little guy was diagnosed with autism last year. He is almost 7 years old and such a great boy. He is in a really great program at his school and while he is doing well, he needs a lot of support.
His mind is CONSTANTLY going a million miles an hour and he struggles to focus and lacks impulse control. I fear it will only get worse as he gets older without medical intervention. We’ve been approached about medicating him several times in the last few years and have always been very adamant that we were not ready to go down that road. It’s scary. Trying to make a decision whether or not to begin medicating your child is SCARY. I know it can help him, but I am scared. I don’t want medication to take away his good quirky qualities. I don’t want it to make him sick. And I don’t want to play the “let’s guess which medication will be best game”.
It’s kind of a lot to handle. So pray for us. Pray that as we begin to navigate this road that the Lord will be our guide. He has been SO faithful every step of the way and I know His faithfulness will continue.
Pray specifically that…
It would be crystal clear which decision we are to make…to medicate or not. {And if we decide to…}
that the doctor would get it right on the FIRST TRY. The right med and the right dosage. No guessing and playing with different meds.
That there would be NO side affects that would disrupt his eating or sleeping patterns. No tummy aches.
That it wouldn’t change who Carter is as a sweet, funny, awesome little boy…just help him to focus and manage his behavior.
I know that’s asking a lot. Like asking for a miracle. But my God is faithful and he is good ALL THE TIME. Thank you for your prayers. I covet them. I’ll keep you posted on what we decide to do.
***I don’t think any of my readers are meanies, but just in case…Please don’t post mean comments regarding this post. If you don’t have anything nice to say, please don’t say it. I know that medicating a child is a hot topic, but this is our journey and we need to go down this road our way. I am feeling down about all this and I need to be lifted up not torn down further. Thank you for respecting my feelings.***