Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time for a little Spring Cleaning…

Last year I followed the Spring Cleaning Party from Simple Mom and got the house in ship shape from top to bottom. I tried to be really good about staying on top of clutter all year so this time around I am just focusing on areas that have gotten a little hectic. Like my son’s room for example

Not a big room and WAY to much stuff. In our busyness it had gotten neglected and even he was saying “Mommy, my room is messy!”…I knew it was time to drop everything else and get in there. Here is before…



And after 3 1/2 hours of decluttering and rearranging (sorry for the bad lighting, but you get the idea!)…





1 comment:

  1. It really is a huge difference. Carter and I appreciate your hard work, not just in his room but everyday with everything you do for our home and family. Love you!


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