Monday, April 26, 2010

2 Superheroes 1 Princess!


I made a few capes this weekend that were custom orders for a boutique that I did recently. They are based on the tutorial from The Long Thread. My son constantly has us tying his blankie around his neck so he can be a superhero so I made these capes like a snuggly blanket with cotton on the outer and flannel lining. I hope the kiddos enjoy them!

Super Hero Carter_Jul08

1 comment:

  1. ok, so I just saw your blog for the first time and I must order 2 custom superheroes capes. No rush on these, just fit them in when you can. 1 princess with "Aubrey" (or just "A") in pink (of course) and 1 in green with "Nathan" (or just "N"). I think I'll need them towards the end of summer at the latest. We'll talk later. BTW I just love your beautiful work!!!! -tora


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