Friday, March 15, 2013

{Peace Out Google Reader...Hello Bloglovin'!}

Hi guys! Did you hear the news??? Google Reader is going away. Bust. If you're like me, that's how we read all our favorite blogs what?


Well, it seems as though the majority of the blogging community is headed towards Bloglovin'! I'm a fan. Let me tell you why!

Bloglovin' is EASY to use. You can import your google reader subscriptions painlessly without missing any posts from your favorite bloggers. The site is so nice and clean and organized. They also have several options for you as to how to follow your blogs. You can read directly from their site, have the posts emailed to you, or my favorite...their app!

The app is fabulous. I've been using it all week and I love it! Simple to navigate and leave comments. One of my favorite features is their "top blogs" category. I always love finding new bloggers so this has been great! All around, I give Bloglovin' two thumbs up.

To get started with the move to Bloglovin' follow this link. Can you follow Sew Chatty on Bloglovin'? Yep! Just clicked the little "BL" button under Let's Connect on my sidebar or click this link HERE.

We have some really fun DIY's, tutorials, recipes, and all around fun planned out and I don't want you to miss anything! 

Have a happy day :)

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  1. I don't see a way to leave a comment via the app, how do you do that? Or do you click "view original post" and do it from there? I have mobile view enabled.

    1. You have to open in Safari and do it from there, but it's easier than the other app I was using {feedler}. Hopefully they'll add an actual comment feature in the app soon. That would be fab!

  2. Sweet thanks for the details...just learning about this option. I tried Feedly and was completely underwhelmed :-)


I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!