Tuesday, March 5, 2013

{FOSSIL Knock-off Leather Pouch}

Hi there! I'm so excited to share a really fun project with you today! After browsing the Fossil site to see what was new for Spring, I ran across a super cute little coin pouch that I knew immediately I wanted to try and recreate.

Last November I went fabric shopping in the garment district of LA with some of my best bloggy buddies and snagged some really great leather on the cheap. I've never worked with leather before, but it was really fun! Can't wait to use it for more little projects.

 Cute right? Here is the original...
Alrighty, let me show you how I made it!

Leather scraps
Fabric Scraps
9" zipper (the finished pouch is about 4x6" so a 7" will work, but I like to use longer ones)
*optional zipper pull charm and jump ring

Leather needles
fabric glue stick
matching thread
applique template {I just hand drew the heart and used a glass to make the circle}
something to round your edges, like the glass you used to make your circle
marking pencil
basic sewing supplies

You want to cut your leather and lining pieces 4.5x6.5". I used a 2.5" strip of contrasting leather and pieced them together.

Piece leather together with a 1/4" seam allowance.
 Take your cup and marking pencil and round all your corners off. Do this on both the leather and fabric lining.
 Now you are going to make your applique. I didn't take any pictures of this process {oops} but it's fairly simple so I'll just explain.
  • Trace your template onto the back side of each fabric. 
  • Cut your shapes out.
  • Glue your heart to your circle using your glue stick.
  • Stitch your heart to your circle. I like to use a finishing stitch to do this, but you can use whatever stitch you like.
  • Next, you'll glue your circle to your front piece with your glue stick.Allow to dry a few minutes before stitching down. Go grab a piece of chocolate :)
  • Stitch down your circle to your front piece. I used a triple stitch at 1/8" allowance. I like that the edges of the circle will fray over time, but if you don't use a finishing/satin stitch here too.
 Next you are going to install your zipper and finish it off just like a regular zip pouch. Need a tutorial for that? Click HERE.
Clip your corners and trim your zipper. I like to use zippers that are a few inches longer than they need to be that way I can center them and not worry about puckering.
 Hand stitch your lining closed. Okay, fine you can use the machine, but a hand sewn seam is much neater and more professional looking. Tuck your lining in, fill it with business cards or your your phone and cash and you are DONE!

*optional, but super cute...I made a little zipper pull with a charm from Michael's and a jump ring. Yes, I painted the jump ring with nail polish because it was silver and the charm is not.
 I hope you enjoy this tutorial! If you make one, tag me on Instagram @sewchatty so I can see it! 

Happy Stitching!

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  1. SOOOO super cute Elizabeth!! I will have to put this on my to do list. It's so fun!

  2. i like yours even more than the inspiration one! thanks for sharing!

  3. Super cute! I've just recently started working with leather and I love love love it!

  4. Love this! You have serious skills friend! Di dyou end up giong to the flea market??

  5. This is so adorable Elizabeth! I love it! It looks just as amazing if not better than the inspiration!!

  6. I love your pouch, nice colors, thanks for the tutorial!!!!
    Marisa from

  7. This is so cute! I love working working with leather and find that my vintage machine does fine with sewing this material. I am just curious though, how a modern machines sews though leather. What kind of machine do you have and what size needle is needed?

  8. So gorgeous! Love this! ! Thanks so much for sharing the great tutorial! Have a fabulous week!
    Hugs from Portugal,

    Ana Love Craft

  9. This is SOOO cute! I totally want one just like it! :)


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