Thursday, June 28, 2012

{summer recipe: watermelon popsicles}

Summer was made for popsicles. I'm a huge fan of the Otter Pop {Louie-Bloo Raspberry please}, but lately I've been wanting a healthier summer treat that I don't have to count any Points {WW} for. I had some watermelon in the fridge so I whipped up these watermelon popsicles and they are FABULOUS!

 Super easy too!

1/2 mini seedless watermelon
juice of 1 lime
1 Splenda packet (or a tsp of real sugar in you aren't a fan of the faux stuff)
1 tsp vanilla

Place all the ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth. Pour into your popsicle mold (I got mine at Walmart) and freeze for at least 8 hours. Makes 4-8 pops depending on your mold. 

These are my new favorite treat and if you do WW like points! It's all fruit and 0 point ingredients. 

Enjoy! Happy Summer!

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  1. MMM... those look good and no points! Now how to figure out how to get the juice of a lime ;)
    Emmaline Bags & Sewing Patterns

  2. This looks so awesome! I have a seedless watermelon right now but I do not know if it qualifies as mini - how many CUPS would you say you need?


  3. Yum, these sounds pretty good! I've been loving popsicle recipes latey. ;)

  4. Yummy :)
    My sis in law made some for me yesterday with a really similar recipe. They were delicious!!


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