Thursday, May 10, 2012

{Favorite Thigs GIVEAWAY! California Girl Style!!}

Hi friends! I bet you thought I forgot I had a blog, huh? Well I remembered, but I took a much needed little break this week to focus on my home and getting my eating habits back on track. 

I've been a naughty girl which has caused me to gain about 12 lbs over the last year. Not okay!!! Anyhow, I'm back on Weight Watchers hard core {I'm a Lifetime member and used to be an employee} and have eliminated bread, processed carbs, and sugar from my diet indefinitely. I love them too much. They're like my gateway drug to horrible eating habits. {sigh} But, I've actually been doing really well. The first two days were rough {like I wanted to punch someone in the face rough}, but now I feel good. I've already lost two lbs too! Eating clean is pretty magical. I want to lose it all by July 1st {vacation!!!} so that's about 1.4 lbs per week. Pretty crazy goal. Wish me luck! I promise to keep you updated along the way!

Alright onto the good stuff! Did you see that Sew Chatty reached 1000 followers on FB a few weeks ago? So excited about that so we're going to celebrate with a little GIVEAWAY!!!

 I love summer and I couldn't be more excited that we're just a few short weeks away! These are some of my summer must haves! I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do!
 Enter using the form below! Good luck!

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  1. Summer are easy for healthy eating, it seems... mostly because there is SO MUCH fruit available. I try to snack on fruits & veggies all summer long! :)

  2. The best part of summer is the fresh fruits and veggies! Load up on them for maindishes, sides, snacks, whatever!

  3. I love summer! It's a time for flowers, growing veggies, being outdoorsy, craft fairs etc, and now that I live Flroida people come to visit every summer. <3 I'd love to win something from Sew Chatty. All of your photos are amazing and I'm sure your products are too.

  4. Fave time of year to eat healthy- tons of fresh fruit and veggies- home made salsa and dips- grilled chicken breast with fresh greens from the garden!! And for desert- frozen fruits of any kind. YUM.

  5. I love summer! A great tiem for flowers and veggie, craft fairs, being outdoorsy, swimming, and lots of visitors (now that I live Florida). I'd love to win something from Sew Chatty! Such a cute site. :)

  6. I like freezing grapes (and sometimes, also coating them with Jello powder-shh!). So delish!

    1. That is a fabulous idea!!! Do you do it after they're frozen? Give me your tips! I need to try that!

  7. Since we just tend to be outside more in the summer, I snack less--'cause I'm not staring into the cupboard all day :)

  8. YAY for an awesome giveaway!! I hope I win!! :) :) SO fun! xo Holly

  9. I totally love to go to the Farmers Market and stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer months!

  10. I LUV all of the Farmer's Markets. You can get fresh tasty food on the cheap and your helping out a local grower!!

  11. Water, water, water!! And strawberries :-) And Veggie Sticks! Yummy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Congratulations on 1,000 FB fans! That's awesome Elizabeth! I love your zippy pouch! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Good luck with eating healthy =) It's tough, I know!

  14. I love the pouch and that nail polish! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. I love going to farmer's market and having more salads for dinner. We are also trying to cut back on bread and other carbs. It is easier to do in the summer when produce is in abundance. I try to do 2 veggie side dishes for our meat instead of a carb.

  16. I live about a mile from a farmer's market that features local fresh produce and flowers. If I walk to to the market and eat the produce as snacks instead of what I really want (junk), it's like double the health benefits. =)

  17. I like to get as much fresh produce as I can during the summer! I live off spinach salads, berries and lemon water. Yum!

  18. Fresh Fruit is the best part about summer!!

  19. summer love is right - you are showing the love too - hope this bit of sunshine will make it over to my cottage! xo

  20. avoid the heat of summer in the kitchen and make use of that good ol crockpot - here is an awesome recipe we LOVE!!

  21. What a fun giveaway! Great kick off to summer. I have been thinking about trying the lip butter by Revlon.

  22. A favorite healthy eating tip for summer is grilling out! lots of veggies & some meat like chicken that's lean. yum-o!

  23. Fun fun! Good luck with the weight loss...I started working out and eating right on Monday, so I'm not too far along but hoping for good results too! I need to lose about 20lbs.

  24. Whoops! Forgot my healthy tip! Measuring food!! We have been measuring our food and tracking it on our iphones. It is helpful to be accountable.

  25. Salads and fresh fruit is what I love during the summer. Oh, and walking and swimming too.

  26. I really like grilled chicken wraps

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  27. my biggest problem is snacking...I feel like I snack on stuff just because I can. I'm trying to go more for fruits & veggies & less for chips & ice cream... ;)

  28. Water... cannot have sweet tea, gotta stick with the H2O

  29. This all looks so fun! I never win anything, so here's hoping to some changes!

  30. this all looks like so much fun! I never win anything, so here's hoping for some changes!!

  31. Summer tip--the warmer you are, the less hungry you will get. So, a good appetite suppressant would be to mow the lawn or play at the park. :)

  32. I always grill extra corn just so I can make corn and avocado salsa.

  33. I make a pretty rockin' grilled corn and avocado salsa.

  34. Caprese salads are the best for summer!

  35. Healthy eating tips: stay hydrated with a mix of sparkling water and 100% grapefruit juice (I love the trader joes brand)!

  36. I like to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables...and drink lots of water!

  37. we love grilling out during the summer - so good and healthy!!!

  38. I love grilled veggies tossed with a little olive oil and Weber's Garlic & Herb seasoning. Yummy!

  39. We shop at the farmer's market a lot in the summer and make tons of salads and lettuce wraps.

  40. Oh my, I actually don't think I eat that healthy, haha. So good on you girl, for being able to give up the bad stuff! I would love to win your prize package the pouch is adorable and the nail polish color rocks!

  41. I make sure I drink a TON of water and don't eat very late.

  42. I am in the same boat as you are. Wishing us both luck! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  43. For healthy summer eating I use as much fresh produce as possible! I also can, and I use veggies in muffins- like zucchini and carrot!

  44. I love all the fresh veggies in the summer.

  45. We love tons of fresh fruit & veggies in the summer. I live on watermelon, which happens to be a natural diuretic! Can't go wrong there! Happy summer sweet friend!


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