Friday, February 10, 2012

{InstaFriday...our week in phone pics}

Happy Friday everyone! I am very excited for this weekend!!! Particularly because the weather is going to be beautiful and we have NOTHING to do!!! I see the beach and Disneyland in my future!

Here is a fun little recap our week via pics from my phone! I'm linking up with Jeanette from Life Rearranged!

life rearranged

Funny, I don't remember this rather large piece coming with the game. Hmmm.

I made a gift bag from wrapping paper!!! I saw this on Pinterest. Original pin HERE. Much more cost effective than buying those crazy expensive bags! Next time I will try it with brown wrapping paper and have some fun with my sewing machine. I love sewing on paper :)

Carter made me a bracelet. The best kind of handmade accessory if you ask me!

The view in La Jolla as we were driving home from the blogger meetup. San Diego is lovely.

As promised, this is my "after run" smoothie recipe. It's really more of a method than a recipe I guess, but here you go! Skim milk, a nonfat yogurt, and a banana. Break your banana in half and toss it in the blender. Add your yogurt. Take your milk and fill your yogurt cup up about 2/3 of the the way and pour the milk in the blender. Give it a whirl and VOILA...smoothie!

Today is the 100th day of school! The kids gets to wear hats and bring 100 of something. Carter chose 100 sour jelly beans! He inherited his father's love of the sour candy.

Here is the newest Sew Chatty creation! Pleated Pouches for your sunglasses/glasses {will fit your phone too}. I in the process of finishing the rest today. Aren't they cute!!!

Hope your week was a blast! Enjoy your weekend!

P.S...trying to get a few more new things listed in the shop today so if that happens there will be a shop update later. Stay tuned!
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1 comment:

I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!