Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{beautifying our envelope system}

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a lovely day. I got my haircute today (the bangs are back!) so that always makes for a good day!

Have you gone through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University? Our church is hosting the class and we are in our third week. Feels so good to have a budget and plan in order ahhhhh! 

Since we've been married (11 years!) we've done an envelope budget off and on several different times. I really don't know why we ever stop it because it works magically! Anyhow, we're back on now, and it feels GREAT. I spend less when I use cash because it's pains me more than swiping the debit card. In the kit you get when you sign up for the FPU class you get a few goodies to help you start an envelope system (cash budget).

It's not that I'm not grateful to Dave for these goodies, but they are not cute and I like cute. Lucky for me I had some fun canvas and supplies to make myself a fun little zipper pouch to hold all our envelopes!

Zippered Pouch

Great basic tutorial for a zippered pouch can be found here. I used sturdy home dec canvas and padded it with fleece for extra durability.

We now have a cash budget for groceries, eating out, and a several other monthly expenses. I had originally intended to make fabric envelopes to hold our cash, but I got a little lazy and figured labels on snack size baggies would work just as well! Eventually I will make fabric envelopes, but for now, this is fine :)

Each baggie tucks down into the pouch nice and neatly too. I love it! Happy budgeting!

Did you make anything pretty this week? Link it up to Made With Love!

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  1. I've made cash pouches too...standard envelopes are a great option as well (perfect size)! Super cute fabric!

  2. Those cash pouches are such a great idea. I think I'm going to have to start doing that to help my budgeting!

    I'm so excited you are coming on saturday, we have so many fun things planned. Looking forward to meeting you!

    xo, Kelsey


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