Wednesday, January 4, 2012

{resolutions…learning a new skill}

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday to you! I am not great with resolutions, but I do love learning new things! Last year I re-taught myself to crochet. I learned the basics when I was about 10 years old, but never made anything until last year!


image via

Over the last few months, curling up on the couch with a quilt and a skein of yarn has been one of my very favorite things to do! I have successfully mastered two items that I am in LOVE with!!!

The Urban Turban {pattern here}


and the Brimmed Beanie {pattern here}



Do you want to learn to crochet or knit this year??? If so, then I HIGHLY recommend checking out Tricoast Online. They have an AMAZING selection of DVD’s, downloads, and kits that make learning the skills of crochet and knit easy and so much fun!!!

They sent me this kit to review that helps to teach kids to crochet and the best part…the teaching is done by a little boy! How cool is that! I will definitely be using it to teach my son! I think it would be great for him to use something other than the DS to keep his hands busy! 

Head on over to Tri-Coast now because they are offering special holiday pricing! 20% off the whole store including their brand new ebook download!


Have fun learning your new skill! I can’t wait to hear all about what you’re making! I off to get more yarn and park myself on the couch today!



  1. I sat down last night with the 'learn to crochet' book and failed miserably. I can make a chain and that is about it.

  2. That is so weird. You are on my blog roll but the last update it has from you is two months ago. I decided to subscribe by email. Now I won't miss any more post.

  3. Wow! Thanks for sharing that!! Hope you had a good holiday! :)

  4. Well done, I think it takes some guts to try and learn things as adults! My mum has always been a knitter but last year started to teach herself how to crochet and I'd like to learn how to braid hair this year :)


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