Friday, December 2, 2011

{a week in the life...}

Hey there! It's been another busy week around here! This time involving lots of Christmasy things! Here are a few pics from our week...
 Carter got to take home the class pet...Flash the frog! They are having many adventures :) He begged me to take this pic!
 Trader Joe's is SO MEAN. They are constantly creating delicious treats that I just can't say no too. Dang.
 Love love love my new coffee mug. It's from Anthro and it's so purdy. Makes my coffee drinking experience even MORE enjoyable.
Here is a glimpse of Christmas around our house! I've had that Advent calendar since I was a little girl and now Carter gets to use it. Don't you just love my dining table centerpiece? I'm going for practical this year!

Happy Friday!

I'm linking up with Jeanette and Lindsay today! Head over to their blogs and give them some love!


1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from Lindsay's blog :) Love your Christmas decor and that is such a pretty mug! I may have to make a stop to the TJ's a hour away just to check out those chocolates. They look worth the drive :) Hope you have a wonderful week!


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