Wednesday, November 9, 2011

{PinterTEST Kitchen}

Hi there and happy Wednesday to you all! I hosted Bunco at my house last night and tested out a cookie recipe I found on Pinterest!


In an effort to “pin less and do more” I actually MADE something I pinned! Yayee me!


Y’all…these cookies are AMAZING! Everyone loved them! I intended to sprinkle with powdered sugar like the recipe stated, but I was out. Boo. They are super easy to make. The only irritating factor was unwrapping like a thousand Rolos. I will definitely be making them again!


I’m linking up with Jess!

What have you pinned and actually made lately??? Was it a success or major fail???

Have a happy day!



  1. hi elizabeth!

    those cookies look DELISH. i've actually been eyeing that recipe for quite some time. will definitely have to try it! :)

    and i hear you about the unwrapping. i made the reeses cookies and i think it gave me carpel tunnel. ha!

    have a great day! xxoo

  2. YUMMY!!!!
    Sorry I haven't commented in a while, you blog is finniky on my blog roll. Sometimes it updates and other times it doesn't. Anyway, just wanted to say hi :)

  3. Oh, and I made a wreath inspired by one of my pins. I'm plannng on blogging about it tomorrow ;)

  4. My problem with unwrapping all those rolos - I often eat more than I am unwrapping for the recipe!
    Thanks so sharing this one!


I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!