Friday, September 2, 2011

{my week in phone pics}

Hi friends! Happy Friday!!! I’m linking up with Jeanette at Life Rearranged for her awesome InstaFriday link party!  Fun times!



My baby boy is in first grade!!!! Someone hold me! He’s growing up WAY too fast.


After I sent the boy off to school, I got to go to a new Bible study. This is the book we are using.


Cute fabric for the iPad cover I am making for Carter. Today is iPad day!!!! In case you didn’t hear…all of the funds were raised for Carter’s iPad. So grateful for AMAZING people like Dana Sears. With her help, $700 was raised to purchase an iPad for my son who has autism.  Truly blessed beyond measure.


Yesterday I got to go to breakfast at the Storyteller’s Café at Disneyland’s Grand California Resort to celebrate the birthday of one of my favorite people in the whole world…my dear friend and pastor’s wife. We had a great time! The food was delish!


After dropping Carter off at OT, I sat outside with a tasty iced coffee and chatted on the phone with a girlfriend. Simple blessings!

Hope you all had a great week too! After I bust out that iPad case, I need to get cranking on my inventory for my show next week! Busy busy as always! Have a great weekend!



  1. wow!! the cafe food...YUM!!!!

    and happy first grade to the little man!!

  2. i'm so glad to hear you got the money for an i-pad for your son. that is great. love the cup holder you made.

  3. Congrats on the funds raised for your son's iPad! Those fabrics will make such a great cover.

  4. what a great week. congrats on getting an I-pad for you special boy! Love the pic of him ready for 1st grade!

  5. So happy our family could help another family who understands. God is SO Good. I am sitting here in tears, honestly I am so amazed at the wonderful people out in this world. Love your family lots, always in my thoughts.



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