Friday, September 9, 2011

{iPad update…via InstaFriday}

Hi there everyone! I hope you all had a wonder full week! We are getting back into the routine of school and homework and meal planning, and chores, and it’s GLORIOUS!
As I mentioned last week, all of the funds were raised for Carter’s iPad so we made the big purchase last Friday! It has been so great! We’ve loaded it with lots of apps that have really helped with the daily struggles that come with the autism. I want to share some of our favorites with you!
The first is an app called Model Me Going Places and it’s FREE. It’s a social story app that can be used to prep kids before heading in to a social situation where good behavior is required. It works really well with Carter! There is another app that we are going to buy soon called Pictello. It’s $14.99. It basically a power point presentation that you can use to design your own social stories for your child’s specific needs by using your own pictures and words.
This is Carter playing Cordy. Cordy is a cute little robot game {with no words, so no scripting…YAYEE!}. The free version comes with 4 levels…which Carter beat in like one sitting so we had to buy the full version! $4.99 but he loves it. We are using it as a reinforcer for good behavior at home/school.
Here are a few other apps that we like…
Education/Behavior: Teach Me First Grade, Visual Cue Lite {great for making visual schedules and reward system}, iWriteWords Lite, Rocket Math, Math Drills Lite, Sight Words {love this one! You can custom make flashcards to help review their spelling list for the week!},  Comic Touch Lite {for iPhone, but it works…this was recommended by the speech therapist}, iEarnedThat {also an iPhone app, but it’s great for setting up a reward system}. 
Games/Reinforcers: Drawing Book, Music Sparkle, TicTac Toe, Coin Dozer, Bubble Shot, Maze, Dare Devil, CMT HD {car racing}, Doodle Find {I love this one!!!}, Fruit Match, Talking Tom, Uno.
Like most boys, he of course loves Angry Birds and I’m sure the giant iPad version is magical, but we are making sure the iPad remains a tool rather than a toy. Do you have any apps that you love that you’d like to recommend to us???
Did you see the super cute cover I made for him?
Since the school is not using the iPad for Carter yet, I have it at home with me which means I am going to need a cover too! If you’d like a custom cover for your iPad, just shoot me an email or Etsy convo. Have a great weekend!
 life rearranged
I'm linking up with Jeanette for InstaFriday!


  1. how exciting! What great great news!

  2. Love your i-pad cover. i'm so happy for your family.

  3. I have heard of a few of those apps and use them for my own kiddos... I will keep my eyes open for any that I see that may be a perfect match. Again, I'm so happy for Carter and I know that this will be great for him.

    PS The cover is super cute to boot!


I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!