Wednesday, August 3, 2011

{sometimes a girl just needs cookies}

Happy hump day friends! Hope you are all having a lovely summer week. We are gearing up to go on our annual family vacation to Campland in San Diego next week and I CAN’T WAIT. Tons to do before then. The prepping to camp is my least favorite part. And the laundry afterwards…but while we’re there, we have a blast!

I am sharing a few TASTY cookie recipes with you today! The first one is a knock off of a cookie I had in Cayucos, CA last week. There is this cute little bakery right on the beach called the Brown Butter Cookie Co and they have THE BEST COOKIES I HAVE EVER HAD.

Brown Butter Cookie Co.

However, they are $1 each. For reals. Kinda pricey for tiny cookie, but it was a nice treat. Anyhow, I did some Googling and discovered that there are lots of people who loves these cookies that have recreated the recipe by experimenting with the ingredients listed on the bag. AWESOME. Saved me a lot of work!

Here are the cookies my mom and I made by following this recipe by Munchkin Munchies.


The taste nearly identical to the cookies from the bakery. Little bit salty and a little bit sweet and VERY BUTTERY. Yum!

Sadly, as much as I LOVE those cookies…eating stuff like that has lead me to gain like 10 lbs over the last year and I am putting my foot down and saying no more! At least until I’m back at goal and can manage my food intake a little better.

However, sometimes a girl just needs cookies so yesterday I made these!


They are a Weight Watcher recipe called Caramel Cookies and I must say they are very good. Only 1 pt each for up to 3 cookies. After that the WW math kicks in…4 cookies are 5 pts so just stick with the 3 and have a nice glass of skim milk. Cookie craving satisfied :)

Have a happy day!



  1. You know I dont think I live very far from you! I know my hubby works very near you, so if you need me to take any cookies off your hands, we can arrange something!! :o)

  2. Heck yeah girl! Sometimes a girl DOES just need a cookie. At least you did a healthy version though. I prefer chocolate or ice cream as my sweet of fat! haha I also agree about the packing/laundry afterwards! You do all the prep for the vaca & have to do all the clean up afterwards! bummer!


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