Monday, March 21, 2011

My {Weekly Home Blessing}

I don’t know about you, but I often get really overwhelmed with the house chores and let them pile up so badly that it literally puts my into a state of depression. It’s not pretty.
Over the years I have found that when my house is clean and tidy…I’m a happier person to be around. Don’t get me wrong…we don’t live like animals. The house is always tidy clean-ish. We do a lot of entertaining and I want my guests to feel at home in a clutter-free, clean smelling home. I just needed to find a better way to stay on top of things so that I’m not a stress case. So…we’ve decided to hire a housekeeper to come once a month to do the heavy cleaning. I personally feel that $75 once a month is vital to my sanity. Yes, I am a stay at home mom, but I also run a small business and take care of a child with autism and I just don’t have the time to clean windows and behind couches and fridges.
However I do have the time to clean a little each day and maintain that “I just had my house deep-cleaned” feel!
How do I do it? I created a “Weekly Home Blessing” chart. It has a list of the chores for each day, the meal, plan, the activities we are involved in that week and it is working out GREAT! My chores take maybe 1-1.5 hours each day. Totally doable.
And guess what??? You can get in on the Home Blessing too because I have made my chart a printable. Just click on the hyperlink or the actual chart to print your own. You can save it to your desktop and print one out at the beginning of each week.
Weekly Home Blessing

I hope you enjoy this chart! Happy Cleaning :)


  1. Thanks for sharing this--I'm definitely going to give it a try! I'm sorry to say that we do live like animals . . . I really hate cleaning that much ;-)

    Rachel @ Maybe Matilda

  2. I think it is great to get some help. Nothing wrong with that. One day I will do the same (when we can afford it).

  3. Oh my goodness, this is such a good idea... a lifesaver really. I have the same thing as you, if I see it get too out of control it just stresses me out and I can't do it at all! ha

  4. You are awesome! I live for the day when we can afford to purchase a little extra help. Thank you for the blessing chart. I can't wait to give it a try!

  5. This chart + the picture of the lemons ACTUALLY make me want to start cleaning our house!! THANK YOU!

  6. Oh Do I feel you on this one. The last few weeks especially I have felt like I just can't get the house clean and have totally been thinking about (dreaming) getting to come clean the bathrooms and floors twice a month. I think I would get me sanity back. Love the chart.

  7. Thanks so much, this will super helpful for me as well!

  8. I have been thinking of doing this but yours is so complete! thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  9. I feel the same way about household chores! I think this is a great way to feel under control because I always find myself making a bunch of lists anyway but with this it's all in one!

  10. LOVE IT!! Thanks so much for sharing on my blog!! You're awesome!!

  11. Ohhhh love, love love it! This is fab, thanks for sharing!

  12. Great chart! I'd love for you to submit this over at the M&T Spotlight:

  13. Great chart!!! Found you via the Thrilling Thursdays Link Up!! Your newest follower

  14. Great idea! Just having it in a pretty little chart would give me at least a bit more motivation to check it off my list :)


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