Tuesday, February 1, 2011

{My Creative Space}

Over the weekend I gave you all a sneaky peek at what was going on behind the scenes at Sew Chatty.

It was time for an office/sewing space INTERVENTION. I felt like I was on an episode of “Hoarders” {which I totally love BTW}.


Clutter had overtaken most of the space and when things are messy, I am a crazy lady. It’s a pretty small room…about 10x10…and we have A LOT of furniture in there. It’s our home office AND my sewing room. Double duty means two desks and one of them is L-shaped so that’s like 3 desks.

My sewing desk {IKEA…love it} is made to be double sided so I was using one side to cut and the other to sew. I love that, but that means the desk is in the middle of the room and it is a TIGHT squeeze to move around in there. I decided that was the first change to make.

After LOTS of decluttering and organizing and moving things…I give to you the tour of my creative space…how it is now…but I’m no where near done yet!


This is the view from the living room. Whoa. I can actually walk in there now!


This is a strange little nook outside the room that I have turned into my shipping station.

110_4834 This is the first area I’ll be making over! The dresser will be getting a pretty paint job and new pulls. The ironing board will be getting covered. And the things that are currently on the wall will be relocated to another wall and I will framing some pretty vintage flour sacks in embroidery hoops to hang up.


I am also eager to makeover this area! I’ll be redoing the inspiration board, covering the chair, making a new sewing machine cover, and adding a few cute accessories to the desk.  110_4836

This is the shelf part of my desk and where I store all my books, patterns, and various supplies. What is that white thing you ask? That would be my .50 light box…what I use to photograph most of my products. Tutorial coming soon! The other shelf stores my fabulous fabric.110_4837All that stuff in the corner is display things for boutiques/shows. I really need to find a more aesthetically pleasing way to store that!110_4838

This would be my new cutting table {aka desk that’s been in the room for 7 years} and where I check email, etc... I blog from the couch because I’m lazy :)  110_4839

I am also thinking we need a new desk chair. This one is GINORMOUS {while being very comfy} and not pretty. I like things to be pretty.

Well, that’s it. My creative space pre-redo. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be working hard to make it pretty! I hope you’ll follow along to see the progress!

Have a fabulous day!


  1. Looks great! Love the shipping station idea too - I could use one of those!

  2. I am jealous!! I have to share my 'creative space' with our office as well, but yours is so much nicer. I am sure you feel more inspired when you are more organized...that is better for us....more fun goodies :)

  3. Love your space! Looks awesome!
    Got your package yesterday - love it! Thanks for the fast delivery!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs xxx

  4. My space is not even close to neat or organized and I may or may not have glitter an fabric scraps all over the living room floor right now.


    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

    ps: your craft room looks marvelous!!!

  5. Can't wait to see your tut on your light box! Awesome job on the re-do!!

  6. Wow, your creative space is a-mazing!!! Love it! I sure do love the new look--so much space!

  7. love your space. and it was my pleasure to do the feature last friday.



  8. Exciting, I can't wait to see!

  9. Love to see previews of creative spaces. Oh how I dream of moving my area out of our basement to a well lit area! Someday!



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