Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shabby Ruffle Hairclip {TUTORIAL}

Hello friends! I have a special treat for you today!!!! A tutorial for the cutest hairclip EVER.

I always have ruffley scraps left over from various projects so I thought I would play around with them and see what I could come up with. And I came up with this little cutie! It’s a tiny ruffle…for your hair!

Shabby Ruffle Tute

This clip is probably one of the simplest things I have made so I am going to teach you how to make one too! Then we can be cute and ruffley together! Sound like a plan? Here we go…

1. Gather your supplies. Cutting mat, rotary cutter and ruler, 2 strips of fabric {width is up to you, but I used 1.5 and 1” strips} 6” in length, piece of felt 1x2.5”, an alligator clip, a needle and thread…oh and not pictured is my glue gun. Go plug it in, you need that too!


2. Zig zag the long edges of each strip.


3. Place the smaller strip onto the longer one and run your gathering stitch down the center.

110_4580 4. Gather your ruffle to about 3” in length. Don’t cut your threads yet.


5. Press your ruffle flat.


6. Sew down the ruffle right on top of the gathering stitch. Don’t worry about removing the gathering threads. If you use a thread color that blends in, you won’t really see the stitch lines. Now you can clip the long threads.


7. Now go back and zig zag the short edges. We’re almost done…yayee!


8. Hand sew the clip to the felt.


9. Put your ruffle face down and put a good amount of glue on the back.

110_458710. Not pictured is me putting the felt onto the glue. Sorry I forgot to take that pic, but I’m sure you can visualize!

11. Now you are going to glue both edges down. Put a line of glue on the edge of the ruffle and fold it in. I will let the pictures explain.


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And you’re done! Easy peesy right? Look how cute it is!!!! I love it. If you make one, take a photo and add it to my Flickr Pool!



For you non-crafty types that want a clip but don’t want to make one…they’ll be in the shop soon :) Happy Tuesday friends!

I'm linking up to these fabulous parties! Check them out and leave some comment love!


  1. Very clever! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love your take on a ruffle clippie.

  3. This Is adorable! I like it! Thank you for linking up!

  4. So darling, I have to make one now. Thanks for the tutorial!

  5. I'm thinking this and the ruffle headband will make a great mother/daughter ensemble. I'll upload pics when I get it made. Thanks!

  6. ohh this is super cute!! ruffles is one thing i haven't learned how to sew yet, but i think i need to start!!!

  7. So I made some and did a little post on them. Thanks!


  8. that's really cute! i love new ideas for hair clips :)

  9. ah so cute!! I love it!! My problem is always with the gathering stitch though, haha. No matter how many tutorials I read, still can't do it!!

  10. Ummm...cute! I am totally going to make one, thanks!

  11. awesome. so cute.

    kiki @ www.kikicreates.blogspot.com

  12. So cute! I'm going to have to make one of those! Love it!
    Katie from Creatively Living Outside of the Box

  13. This is too cute! I love the colors you in the fabric!

    Thanks for linking up to FFA!

    Hannah @ http://youngancrafty.blogspot.com/

  14. I did it! They're in your Flickr pool. Thanks!


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