Friday, January 28, 2011

{FEATURED Business} Rags To Stitches

I love when I get to showcase a new handmade business! Today, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Alissa from Rags to Stitches Boutique!


Alissa and I have become friends on Twitter and we’re about to become friends in real life too because she only lives like 15 miles away from me! New friends are so fun! A coffee/playdate is in the works!

Meet Alissa


Let’s do a little Q&A with Alissa…

SC: What inspires you?

A: What inspires me the most is my relationship with the Lord. I can't even begin to explain just how much He touches my life on a daily basis. The other is my family. They are amazing! My husbands passionate about life and me constantly astounds me and there's nothing like watching your little ones grow and discover the world and their own faith.

SC: What made you start your business?

A: I taught myself how to sew when I was pregnant with my daughter. Call it "crazy nesting" and friends would comment and ask me to make them stuff too. It was my husband who encouraged me to start my business. =) So I did. It began out of a love for sewing and evolved into a love of being able to express myself through crafting. I'm still a Mama and a wife first and foremost, but I cherish every bit of my business.

SC: What do you love most about what you do?

A: I love that I'm able to create! I love seeing a project go from start to finish and I love to sew. But one of the most amazing things about what I do is the awesome ladies I've met. There are some that I've met and keep in touch with regularly. Who would have though? Amazing!! =)

SC: What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

A: Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!!

SC: What's your favorite color?

A: Well, lately I've been enjoying blues and grays. I love mustard yellow, but too scared to go anywhere near it. lol.

Thanks for visiting with us Alissa!!!

Isn’t she fun? Guess what??? Alissa is offering 10% off of EVERYTHING in her shop using the code RAGSTOSTITCHES

{Here is a peek at what you can find at Rags To Stitches}

Car Seat Canopies…to keep germy stranger hands from touching your precious baby.


Boo Bags…for when your little one falls down and bonks their head.


and these adorable Gift Sets that contain a wipes case and two burpies!


I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting my new friend and I hope you will go visit her adorable blog & shop! And if you tweet…she is @ragstostitches

Happy Friday friends!

1 comment:

I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!