Monday, December 27, 2010

Made with Love Monday #7

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Little man was really into Christmas this year so it was super fun for us. He made extra sure to take care of all the details like setting out cookies for Santa and putting the magical reindeer food (granola and glitter) on the lawn…all very necessary to insure that the Big Guy would visit our house! And he did!!! Seeing the excitement as Carter opened the gift that Santa’s elves had made just for him {Cars Monster Truck Wrastin’ Ring} was priceless!

Santa Came

I would say we all had a very blessed day…except for Lucy who was a little ticked off that Santa forgot to fill her stocking. Oh well…she has paper to lay on!

Angry Cat

And now for Made with Love Monday #7! You all continue to amaze me with all of the crafty goodness you share each week! It is becoming increasingly harder to chose my favorites! But this week my pick goes to Homemade Ginger and her Wooden Picture frame using dictionary pages! I love it! It’s been so fun to see all the crafts using book pages! I can’t wait to whip up a few book page crafts of my own!


Great work everyone! I can’t wait to see what you link up this week! I'll be leaving the party open until Friday to give you a chance to link up multiple projects if you choose to.

{Just a few party guidelines}

  1. To link up, I would first love for you to follow my blog. I like followers. The more the merrier. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

  2. Link up your crafts, recipes, home decor....anything that has been made by you! {Multiple links to different posts are fine}

  3. Link back here by grabbing the super cute button on my sidebar and posting it either in your post or somewhere on your blog to let others know you've joined the party!

  4. If you see something you like, click on it and go leave them a comment. Everyone loves comments!

  5. Lastly, feel free to help me spread the word about Made with Love Monday! Follow me on Twitter {just click on my little Twitter button} and use this tweet "I linked up my crafty goodness to @sewchatty's "Made with Love Monday" Check it out and link up your craftiness too!"

Let's get the party started!


  1. Hi, Elizabeth, thanks as always for hosting these! Your Christmas sounds great, he looks so excited. Cute boy in cute pajamas!

  2. I just found your blog through Gussy Sews' community post :). How fun!! Glad you had such a merry Christmas!


I love your comments, they make my day! Is your email linked to your profile so I can reply to you? Hope so!