Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carter’s 6th Birthday Party: Back to Basics

Confession time. I have really been struggling with whether or not I wanted to write this post (my son’s party was like 8 weeks ago!). So many of my fellow bloggers post all these AMAZING parties that they do for their kids. I really wasn’t sure if I would post my son’s 6th birthday or not because I knew it wasn’t as cool or creative or as over the top as what other’s are doing. I mean, there are some seriously cool birthday party ideas out there. But here’s the thing, I have to believe that most of you are like me right??? I just don’t have the time (or the money) to create parties like these…

Milk and cookies party


Candy Party


Circus Party


Cupcake Party



This is the trend right now. Lavish, over the top parties for your little one. It just got me thinking. Thinking about what is is teaching our kids and the whole “Keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality.

I knew this year that money was TIGHT and we debated whether or not we would even do a party. Then our friends volunteered their house and pool (thanks V’s!) so we thought…okay we’ll just do something simple. And that’s what we did. SIMPLE. 

The morning of the party Carter stuffed party bags, and frosted Funfetti cupcakes (we made the cream cheese frosting from scratch)

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We kept the food SIMPLE too. Tortilla Chips with salsa and guacamole. Corn dogs, fruit, and crock pot mac and cheese (let me know if you would like the recipe…everyone loves it!). Bottled water, diet cokes, and juice boxes for the kids. And of course the yummy Funfetti cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Really it doesn’t get easier than that!



The kids swam…




The ladies chatted poolside…


and my husband even got a nap in!


There were presents too…


Carter could not stop saying how much fun he had and that this was the best birthday EVER. No fuss, no hoopla, just a good old fashioned birthday party. A fun time was had by all and I had no guilt about the party the “could have been” if I had all the time and money in the world. So be encouraged fellow bloggers and don’t worry about what everyone else is doing for their kids birthday party. Just give them a few presents and a cupcake and lots of hugs. To them it will be…

“the best birthday party EVER!”


NOTE: We had about 25-30 people and I spent around $100…mostly food and drinks. My mom bought the items for the treat bags, but those were very cost effective too. Bubbles, organic fruit leather, slinky, silly straw. And no one says HAVE to do a treat bag :P


  1. Sounds like a fun party to me!

    I was one of the ones who had an "over-the-top" party this year - but it was! I'm all for keeping it simple in the years to come though!

  2. Love it! I always talk about starting my own business where this is what it is; simple, low cost, "back to basics" kind of parties! So glad Carter had a great birthday!

  3. awww i really love what you did with the setup and how carter helped with things, what a great boy!

  4. the best things in life are usually the simple ones. can't beat a swimming pool, cupcakes you helped make, and your friends. Happy belated to Carter too.


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