Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation re-cap and my giveaway winner!

We had such a great time on our church family camping trip to San Diego. It was wonderful to get out or town for a few days and rest up a bit. Our days were spent hanging out our friends, playing cards and board games, lounging on the beach, swimming at the pool, and eating WAY too much yummy food! Couldn't have asked for a better vacation! We love The Warehouse. Here are some pics to highlight our week…

This was Carter’s very first s’more. He asked for a “marshmallow sandwich” every night and as soon as he finished the last bite, he begged to go to bed!


We all got bandanas with a name on them and that’s who we prayed for all week at camp. Carter wanted to wear his and said “I look great! Like a pirate!” 


Pancakes!!! Got to love Krusteez pancake mix when your camping…just add water and….breakfast! We had a lot of the kids over one morning and they each whipped up their own pancake mix. They  had a blast!110_3411 110_3412

Me and my friend Megan…I look a little intense…must have had too  much coffee that morning!


This is pathetic…all our guys each with iPhone or iTouch in hand planying Angry Birds. Apparently it’s all the rage…


Hope you are all having a great summer too! Last but not least…my summer giveaway winner is Mary! Congratulations Mary! Hope you love your new sunglasses case! It will be on it’s way to you shortly.  Happy Monday everyone!



  1. Yay!!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to show off my new sunglasses case :)

  2. I love your pics. I think the last one is funny... all the guys on their i-phones on a camping trip :)


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