Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pattern Sale Finds!

The Jo-Ann’s Simplicity pattern sale started today so I hustled down there to make sure I got all the patterns that have been on my list. I don’t know about you, but I only buy patterns on sale…I’m cheap like that! I’ve had my eye on a few of the new bag patterns so I for sure grabbed those. I also picked up a few clothing patterns. I am TERRIFIED of making clothes, but I thought it would be a good challenge for me to overcome. I must be feeling inspired because Project Runway is starting tonight (better go make sure the DVR is set to record!)! Here’s what I came home with…


Love the pleated purse pattern! The other I am not super crazy about yet, but with the right fabric I might change my mind. For $1.99 it can live in my pattern box for a while! So for my clothing challenge…from left to right: 1) Simplicity #3835 A simple cute top that was recommended by Ashley at Film in the Fridge. 2) New Look (not on sale, but still cheap!) #6895 cute tank/top recommended by Suzannah at Adventures in Dressmaking and lastly 3) Simplicity #2413 a versatile skirt pattern. A while back I bought a McCall’s pattern (5094) that was on sale because I am going to a wedding in a few weeks and figured hey…why not whip up a dress?  Pretty sure I already know what fabric I will use. Here is that pattern too. I am going to do view D in a floral print, but without the bow. I will probably add a Shabby Blossom :)



  1. I definitely like D and F for the dress!

  2. Some great patterns there. I've been debating about getting that dress pattern too. I won't be sewing dresses anytime soon though, so maybe I should hold off for a sale.


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