Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{DIY: business cards}

Hey there! I hope your week is off to a great start! It's not too late to link up to Made With Love so if you got crafty or cooked or baked something awesome last weekend feel free to share it! You can link up HERE.

I'm headed to SNAP in just a few short weeks so I thought it would be fun to share with you how I design my own business cards! I just ordered a bunch today! Wanna see?

I use Vistaprint to order my cards. Fast. Easy. They always come out great!!!

First I take pictures on a white background leaving LOTS of white space for my text. 

I like to use my sewing supplies in my business cards. You can use whatever you want! Last time I used covered buttons...

This time I used a sweet little vintage dish filled with thread and my pin cushion that I made a few years ago.

Yes, I color code my pins according to the fabric in the cushion. I'm OCD like that. Can you tell that I've since learned how to take better pictures and edit them properly?!?! Ha! I learn as I go folks.

Ok so now you have your pictures so it's time to have fun with text and other goodies.

I added some washi tapes strips. Tutorial for that HERE.

Cute right??? Then I went over to my new favorite photo editing site PicMonkey to add in all my text!



So fun! I love them!!! 

Now, you just upload them to Vistaprint and choose "Premium Cards/Upload Your Own Design".

Make sure the files are business card sized when you upload {2x3.5} so they print correctly. 

That's it! Easy peesy right? Hopefully my instructions are clear. I am by no means a graphic designer! If you have any Q's I will do my best to answer them in comments!

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  1. Did you take your pictures indoors with any kind of special lighting or did you take them outdoors with natural light? This is such a great idea. I won some custom business cards, but I really don't have a decorative logo. I might "borrow" some of your ideas and come up with something similar! Thanks for sharing.

    1. That's a great question!!! I take them inside with my DSLR on the close-up setting and photograph on a piece of white poster-board. The poster-board sits against the wall on top of a dresser. I take the pics in a room of my house that has a lot of natural light, but I do brighten them up during editing as well.

  2. Super cute! I just posted about my business cards today too--hopefully we'll meet up and swap at SNAP :)

  3. Soooooooooooooooooooo pretty!! I love them. They are perfection :)

  4. Yours are sooo cute!! I also use Vistaprint...they do always turn out good! :)

  5. These are super cute! I like to design my own, but I have to admit that on my last batch I was just lazy and bought a pre-made design from Vistaprint. You've inspired me to not be quite so lazy next time.

  6. Wow, those are cute cards! So simple, but I love that dish and thread color combo. I've been thinking of making some cards, but I just can't come up with a picture or design idea. I'm glad to know it's that easy, though, especially since I see great deals from Vista Print all the time.

  7. I LOVE these. You did such a great job! I hope I can snatch one of these at SNAP!!! I just ordered my business cards too :) It'll be a game of card trading, lol. I found you from UCreate, just in time. New follower! xoxo, Rach from Family Ever After

  8. Oh girl, I just love your new cards!!!!

  9. LOVE! I have used Vista print tons (mostly for baby announcements) and I have never thought of doing something like this, what a fabulous idea! Stopping by from Sugar and Dots :)

  10. What a Gorgeous set of cards.
    I got mine done from vista print but did go for the free option, as I am just starting up and didnt know if I would use them much.
    But I will def use this idea when making my next set :D

  11. these are lovely, and the tutorial is perfect timing for me. Thank you!

  12. I just found your blog and I LOVE it! I'm your newest follower!


  13. Super cute! Hope to get one IRL at SNAP next month!

  14. I love them! I just got mine in last week from VistaPrint. I used a bit of washing in mine as well!! :)

  15. Such a cute idea! I love this!

  16. These are really cute- I have been thinking about making my own cards for a while and this is definitely getting pinned for inspiration!! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Thanks! This gave me some great ideas for my own cards. I made some last year and just haven't been happy with them as they are too dark! I guess I need a better camera too!!!

  18. This is adorable!! Hope you can link this up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com

  19. Those are so cute! Now I want to make new business cards; too bad I just ordered a refill :P

  20. These are lovely! I have to try and get some made for craft show season!

    I would love for you to link up and share: http://tutusandteaparties.blogspot.com/search/label/Link%20Party

  21. These are really cute! Glad I found your blog. =)



  22. I love your business cards. I am going to snap too, but I don't have my business cards done yet. Can't wait to see you there.

  23. How awesome is this!! Thanks sooooooo much for the tutorial. Your business cards come out wonderful!

  24. Super cute cards! Heading over to check out picmonkey now!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  25. I followed your directions to make my own, but I can't seem to resize correctly to upload them to Vistaprint. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you! :)

    1. Too Cute Designs, did you ever get a reply for your question? Cause I was wondering the same thing...

    2. I just got the specs for the size of the business cards from Vista Print, then cropped my image in Picasa to the correct size. Added the text etc...in Picmonkey.

  26. I am going to keep it in mind and will use it when i needed.
    Clear business cards

  27. This is great! Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I love these! Super cute. Glad I found your blog.


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